• New Claims
  • Drying
  • Preparing for the work
  • Decor and finishes
  • Completion and guarantee
  • Show all
  1. 1. My Insurer has appointed SnapeCall - what happens now?

    Once we have an instruction from your Insurer we will normally contact you on the same day to discuss your claim. How we proceed will depend on the specific instructions we have been given and your own needs, but it will normally involve us coming out to your property to assess or inspect the damage first. Some insurers will allow us to undertake some work for you immediately whilst others will want to consider costs before we commence any work.

    Our contract support team will discuss everything with you and can be contacted on 01453 890707 to assist you.

  2. 2. What can I do if I don't agree with the works you've been instructed to undertake?

    We are always mindful that we are working in your home and your needs must be considered. Sometimes works are necessary for technical reasons and/or to ensure works can be guaranteed successfully. The Manager appointed to your claim can discuss any of these details with you, at any stage, to ensure you are confident we are doing the work you want.

    Please raise any questions with your appointed Manager or with our contract support team who are always here to help – 01453 890707.

  3. 3. Can I get home improvements done at the same time?

    We are often working in your home and we understand that sometimes it might appear convenient to undertake home improvements alongside or even instead of insured works. Our Manager will be able to discuss your particular needs with you. We always suggest keeping insured works and ‘un-insured’ improvement works clearly separate to prevent any issues with Insurers who may deem work as ‘betterment’ and then be unwilling to contribute to some costs. SnapeCall is geared to work directly for Insurers and Adjusters under contract costs and conditions, keeping everything fair for everybody.

    Whilst we will not take direct instructions from the public, we may be able to assist with suggestions or recommendations to help you achieve what you want whilst the insurance work is being undertaken, so please raise these matters with your Manager at the earliest opportunity – 01453 890707.

  4. 4. How much is my policy excess, and when do I pay it?

    Policy excess is set by your Insurer.

    Excess will differ from one persons policy to another, although most home buildings insurance policies have an excess between £100 and £500, except subsidence claims which generally have a £1000 policy excess. We will always confirm with your Insurer how much your policy excess is and whether they require us to collect it on their behalf. The excess is always set by the Insurer and will have been advised to you when you took out your policy, or renewed existing cover.

    We will always require a policy excess to be paid prior to any works being undertaken, in accordance with the terms of your insurance policy. Our contract support team can advise and arrange with you to collect your policy excess, please call them on 01453 890707.

  5. 5. How long will it take to dry my home?

    Drying a property following an incident can be a complicated process with a lot of factors determining how the building is dried. The severity of the incident, the amount of water absorbed, the type of water (clean or foul etc), the building fabric itself – these are all factors in calculating how to dry a building and will influence how long it can take to bring levels back to pre-loss conditions.

    It will often take anything between one week and many weeks to dry a building, the plan will be discussed with you and regular monitoring will take place to ensure successful progress is made. How long the equipment is running will also play a significant part of any program and this would be discussed with you once the property has been assessed. Our contract support team can help guide you and provide an update on progress – please contact them on 01453 890707 or email admin@snapecall.co.uk for an update.

  6. 6. Does the drying equipment use a lot of electricity?

    The equipment used will generally use a similar amount of electricity to a domestic fridge. In most instances your Insurer will reimburse you for any electricity used whilst equipment is running in your property.

    Our contract support team will be able to advise you about your particular circumstances – 01453 890707 or email admin@snapecall.co.uk.

  7. 7. How will I know when my property is dry?

    Regular visits will be undertaken by a member of our team to take readings and possibly make adjustment to the drying programme. Sometimes this may mean moving equipment into different locations, sealing areas off or opening other areas up. Often a stabilisation period is necessary after equipment is switched off to ensure a successful return to pre-loss conditions.

    Generally reinstatement work cannot commence until the building is returned to a suitably dried state. Progression will be monitored by the Manager appointed to your claim, and the contract support team will look to ensure a smooth transition from drying to work commencement helping to prevent any ‘wasted’ days in between. They will discuss progression with you and make arrangements for work to commence when appropriate.

  8. 8. When will the work start following drying?

    If we are drying your home we will endeavour to start reinstatement works immediately after the drying has completed. Sometimes a stabilisation period is necessary to confirm the drying. Our drying programme and progression will be discussed with you to ensure you know what is happening in your home.

    Sometimes Insurers will appoint a separate drying company to dry your property with us following them to reinstate. Our works will usually start in accordance with the contract terms in place with your particular Insurer. We do all we can to maintain a good relationship with the drying companies so that we can work together to provide a seamless approach for you where the Insurer breaks up the service in this way.

  9. 9. Can I continue to live in my home during the work?

    Generally yes. We are used to working in people’s homes and the whole team is trained to understand the varying circumstances we may face in your particular situation. Sometimes it is not practical or safe for you to remain in your home, if for instance the kitchen or bathroom is out of use for a substantial period, or the whole building is damaged and unsafe to inhabit. Your own special circumstances may need to be considered too. In all cases we will establish levels of cover in place on your policy so that we can help.

  10. 10. What do I need to do in preparation for the work starting?

    Building work is generally dusty and disruptive, so it is always best to prepare yourself for this. We ask you to remove light furniture, soft furnishings, fragile or valuable items from the areas we will be working in. Walls should also be cleared of pictures and paintings etc. Also consider the areas we will be moving through to access the work area.

    The Manager appointed to your claim will consider how we might need to manage your particular circumstances during our early assessment at your property. Please raise any concerns you have with us.

  11. 11. Will I need to provide anything for the workers?

    Our team will discuss with you how we obtain power and water at your property as part of our safety plan.

    Trades people will often be glad of an offer of a hot/cold drink, although this is never expected. Our teams arrive self sufficient and you should never feel obliged.

    No payments are necessary directly to our Trades people.

  12. 12. Do I need to buy any materials in advance?

    Usually no, but sometimes we may ask you to assist us in advance of works if for instance you are replacing something particular that only you can choose, or wish to obtain something from a supplier that we cannot utilise. We will always discuss this with you and make arrangements for payment prior to anything being purchased.

  13. 13. I can't find materials within the budget set, what can I do?

    Insurers will always set a budget for material supply, sometimes they are guided by us, sometimes the budgets are fixed – this will often depend on the terms of your policy. We will guide you around choices you have for replacement materials, such as tiles or wallpaper. Where we can, we will identify suitable suppliers where you may be able to take advantage of trade discounts we can obtain, helping your ‘budget’ go further.

    Please speak to us about any concerns you may have regarding material replacement so that we can help advise the best way forward for you.

  14. 14. What happens when works are complete?

    We will usually ask you to confirm this stage so that we may complete our contractural process with your Insurer. Sometimes we will require you to sign a satisfaction note, some Insurers have their own process for confirming completion. We will confirm the particular process necessary for your claim.

    Where we ask you to sign a satisfaction note, we are not expecting you to confirm any technical integrity, suitability or sufficiency, only that works are completed to a standard you find acceptable.

  15. 15. I'm unhappy with something, who should I complain to?

    Please contact us in the first instance. You can call us and speak to one of the team here on 01453 890707.

    The whole team here is empowered to try to find a solution for you. Most parts of the claim process are governed by rules set down by the Financial Conduct Authority, and a complaint will trigger a particular process to comply with their rules. We can advise on most matters surrounding your claim and can often resolve any concerns you may have.
